Hi again Woollies,
It's been a bit of a slow week or two around here. Not in real life though - at work we're manning the decks, so I haven't been able to craft as much as I'd like. I've been trying out some new things, while I'm working away on my blanket(s)...I did warn you I am a chronic never-finisher! It's just that the minute I have an idea or I see an inspiring project I have to start it immediately and the poor old project I'm currently working on just get laid to the wayside while I go on a joyous little deviation through crochet land.
Since it's Tuesday Huesday today, I thought I'd get into the spirit of things and chat about all things colour!
I recently discovered the Color n' Cream blog by Jennifer Poort-Larche, and I love her colour combinations very much. So I wanted to attempt some squares inspired by her colours, just to see if they 'sit' with me. I am happy to report that I love them!

I started (another!) project this week. I'd been itching to try the join-as-you-go method for a while now, but since I wasn't really working with traditional granny squares, I hadn't gotten around to it yet.
Inspired by Jennifer's beautiful colours, I decided to start a quick granny thing (that is, I'm not sure yet what it will turn into - all I know is that it just had to be made right then and there!) to test it out.
Once you get the hang of it, it is easy to do. I'm still not sure how I feel about the look of the finished piece, but there is something very satisfying about watching your creation 'grow' before your eyes, without waiting to 'imagine' what the finished piece will look like.
Here are some sneak peeks of it. I am thinking about just making this into a simple little cushion, but I do so love the idea of a pile of beautiful colourful blankets! What will Claire do with this lovely little patchwork of grannies? Will she ever finish an entire blanket? Which blanket will she finish - or will she go to making mandalas instead?! It's like a crochet telenovela!
Speaking of other projects, my other little squares haven't been forgotten. I have been steadily working away on my Elmer blanket...and the colours are so preeeeeeetttttyyyyyy :D
I have adopted the ever-so-technological approach of placing my squares on old architecture boards, and then laying those on the floor. That helps keep the humidity at bay so they don't curl up in a bag while I'm working on the next batch, and it also helps to keep me motivated when I can see them all
laid out neatly in rows, ready to be made into my first ever blanket!
Colour combining for crochet projects (especially with the join-as-you-go method) is very different to illustration...once I've picked the colours, I'm kind of stuck with them unless I want to rip them all out and begin again, so that makes coming up with something I'm going to like over a bigger project a bit more difficult, and requires planning.
I do think the best way to find your own style is to try lots of things out, and hopefully finally find your own individual stamp at the end of it. Since I'm just a newbie, I really like looking at what other crafters have made and trying out some of their patterns and ideas so that I can learn more about it.
One project I am working on that I LOVE colour-wise is my little summer garden granny blanket. I really wanted something very pretty and girly, so this is going to suit me nicely. Of all the things I am working on right now, this is my favourite, and I'll definitely keep it for myself.
I love the way the little pops of colour shine through, and the way the cream nicely calms and ties everything together. I thought some of the blue and red squares would be too 'boyish' against the pinks and oranges but now I love them too. I think if they weren't there, it might be too pink (gasp!- did I really just say that?!).
How lovely are my little squares all laid out in the sunshine?
Here are some more close-ups, just because I love them so much!
I've been plagued with creepy-crawlies lately. It's hot and sticky summer now, and bug-central e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e. I've given up on feeling constantly traumatised, so now I just stock up on gigantic bottles of bug-spray every week and line them up everywhere I think I might run into a creepy-crawly. I'm most afraid they'll crawl into my wool box, and set up a nice comfy cosy home...only for me to reach my fingers in and...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeppp!
The stripey blanket is still on hiatus for now, since I'm waiting on another colour again...I am becoming very particular!
Hope you're having a lovely (bug-free) week!
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